Front page of The Seattle Times?!?
Goodness, I did not expect to make the front page… truly a first in my life that is a bit hard to contextualize. At the same time, it feels incredibly deserved that this cornerstone of the arts in Seattle is recognized for the impact it has made on thousand of lives over the last three decades. I feel like I’m standing on the shoulders of giants - years of hard work, courage and perseverance that are not mine to take credit for. I do know that I’ll work continually to earn that honor and that place at the table.
As I told Matt, my fiancée, this morning; this marks the end of a year and a half of career uncertainty for me, and now I get to enjoy the opposite problem of being legally obligated to this job for the next five years at least :P
The article mentions the five year term of the lease but my intention is to renew, likely for quite a while. This is my dream job, and I plan on happily puttering and triple-stepping around the ballroom for the next couple decades.
While my name might be in the article, I want to extend some sincere gratitude to the people who have worked tirelessly with me on this project, without whom this would not have happened:
Hallie, I’ve thanked you many times and will keep expressing my gratitude that you’ve taken a chance on me and are willing to pass me the torch. It’s an honor.
David Cohen, my dear friend who I likely met at Century soon after I moved to Seattle (the exact details are hazy for us both), who sent me the first property listing last March. Somehow he knew before I could say it out loud that the next thing I really ought to do with my life was start a venue. Over the last year, he has worked tirelessly on every contract and proposal we’ve dealt with, volunteering his substantial professional experience. Working late hours meticulously reviewing terminology, he is the primary reason we pulled this contract negotiation over the line.
Dandelion Mane, for their brilliant mind for strategy and numbers, continually orienting us to the bigger picture, while believing in the magic of this dream. It’s rare for a person to be capable of both, and I am so grateful for the ways this business will be better, more grounded, more resilient, because of their input. I adore you, friends.
Alyssa Manning, for tirelessly living her values and making bold decisions to support the arts and her community, without ever asking for credit. She was the first to say out loud a year ago “yeah, we can make this happen”. Every time over the last year that a property would fall through or our hope would flag, she would say “it’s not time to give up yet”. You are a light and gem, and I’m s honored to have you as one of my dearest friends.
Doron Weisbarth, our realtor, who proved his metal and earned his stripes many times over in the last year. As he learned about us and our dream, he went to bat for us and showed how much he cared first about us making the right property decision for our business and future plans, offering invaluable guidance along the way.
Jo Coker, who graciously introduced me to Hallie several months ago, has totally believed in me along the way, and has been instrumental in helping me keep my head on straight while we prepare for this transition. Sometimes life surprises you with exactly the right people to help in ways you din’t even know you needed.
Mike Spence, our real estate lawyer, who agreed to counsel us at the eleventh hour, and has provided grounded and calming guidance to get us over the finish line. I love that his paralegal is a salsa dancer and his entire office has been cheering us on!
All of the friends and mentors who have cheered me on, given me honest feedback, and help me stay sane through this. There are too many to count, but I hope you know who you are and how much those texts, walks and whispered conversations have meant to me.
Last and certainly not least, Matt Johnson, my person. Before this all started, when I was weighing my options, he said “I want to support you in having a job you actually believe in.” He’s been on this ride with me through thick and thin, for the late night document editing, the stress, the hope, the ceaseless musing about how to make it all happen, while helping me find joy in small things and balance along the way. My love, we get to be done with that chapter!